Welcome to Burningwave, a collection of Java libraries for building frameworks and applications.
The projects of Burningwave are:
- JVM Driver: a driver to allow deep interaction with the JVM without any restrictions
- Core: an advanced, free and open source Java frameworks building library
- Tools: a set of components based on Core library that have high-level functionality
- Common: a collection of classes with basic functionality
- Reflection: an advanced, free and open source Reflection engine extracted from Burningwave Core
- JSON: a set of components for handling JSON documents
- Graph: a framework based on Core library for creating graphs of synchronous/asynchronous Java method calls using a JSon configuration
- Miscellaneous Services: a simple application with which is possible to retrieve some statistical data
With Burningwave’s software you can:
- create your own dependency injection framework in Java
- making applications created with old Java versions work on Java 9 and later versions
- generate classes at runtime and invoke their methods with and without the use of Reflection
- search classes by every criteria that your imagination can make
- do much more