Burningwave Miscellaneous Services



A simple application with which is possible:

Deploy requirements

The application can be deployed on Heroku, on Amazon AWS or any other PaaS. For Amazon AWS you can find the intallation commands in the file install-on-aws.sh.

By default the application uses the file system based cache but it is recommended to use the database based cache by setting the environment property CACHE_TYPE to Database based: in this case it is required a PostgreSQL DBMS which on Heroku can be simply installed with the Heroku Postgres addon.


On Heroku the minimal configuration requires only to set the NEXUS_CONNECTOR_GROUP_CONFIG environment property with the Nexus credentials encoded as a basic token e.g.: assuming that the Nexus username is burningwave and the password is pa55w0rd, the basic token will be the base64 encoding of the string burningwave:pa55w0rd and the value of the environment property NEXUS_CONNECTOR_GROUP_CONFIG will be:

    "connector": [{
            "authorization": {
                "token": {
                    "value": "YnVybmluZ3dhdmU6cGE1NXcwcmQ="

If you need to set up multiple Nexus accounts or customize the color and the target of the links in the artifact download statistics page you can do the following:

    "connector": [{
            "host" : "oss.sonatype.org",
            "authorization": {
                "token": {
                    "value": "YnVybmluZ3dhdmU6cGE1NXcwcmQ="
            "project": [{
                    "name": "org.burningwave",
                    "artifacts": [{
                            "name": "jvm-driver",
                            "color": "00ff00",
                            "site": "https://burningwave.github.io/jvm-driver/"
                        }, {
                            "name": "core",
                            "color": "e54d1d",
                            "site": "https://burningwave.github.io/core/"
                        }, {
                            "name": "graph",
                            "color": "f7bc12",
                            "site": "https://burningwave.github.io/graph/"
                        }, {
                            "name": "tools",
                            "color": "066da1",
                            "site": "https://burningwave.github.io/tools/"
                }, {
                    "name": "com.github.burningwave",
                    "artifacts": [{
                            "name": "bw-core",
                            "alias": "core",
                            "color": "e54d1d",
                            "site": "https://burningwave.github.io/core/"
                        }, {
                            "name": "bw-graph",
                            "alias": "graph",
                            "color": "f7bc12",
                            "site": "https://burningwave.github.io/graph/"
        }, {
            "host" : "s01.oss.sonatype.org",
            "authorization": {
                "token": {
                    "value": "dG9vbGZhY3Rvcnk6cGE1NXcwcmQ="
            "project": [{
                    "name": "io.github.toolfactory",
                    "artifacts": [{
                            "name": "narcissus",
                            "color": "402a94",
                            "site": "https://toolfactory.github.io/narcissus/"
                        }, {
                            "name": "jvm-driver",
                            "color": "00ff00",
                            "site": "https://toolfactory.github.io/jvm-driver/"